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Rank Structure and Testing Requirements

Little Ninjas & Youth Martial Arts Program Ranking Structure
1st Rank: White Belt/White Sash - Beginner
The path to White-Yellow Belt is cut up into 4 mini yellow stripes in our rotating curriculum. This was done to simplify testing and to ensure all children get ample time to practice and understand their techniques. Each section is scheduled to run in 6 to 8 week segments but is subject to change depending on the needs of the students. Test dates are announced and tests are administered at the end of each segment.
2nd Rank: White-Yellow Belt/White Sash - Beginner
The path to Yellow Belt is cut up into 4 mini yellow stripes in our new rotating curriculum. Each section is scheduled to run in 6 to 8 week segments but is subject to change depending on the needs of the students. Test dates are announced and tests are administered at the end of each segment.
3rd Rank: Yellow Belt/Gold Sash - Advanced Beginner
After a student earns their final 4 mini yellow stripes, the student is transferred to the advanced beginner's class. After completing their first karate kata and belt test, they will be awarded their yellow belt. Participation in the green belt program will not be allowed until completion of the yellow belt exam.
4th Rank: Yellow-Green Belt/Gold Sash - Advanced Beginner
The progression to Yellow-Green Belt is cut up into 4 mini green stripes in the rotating curriculum. Each section is scheduled to run in 8 to 12 week segments but is subject to change depending on the needs of the students. Test dates are announced and tests are administered at the end of each segment.
5th Rank: Green Belt/Green Sash - Intermediate
After a student earns their final 4 mini green stripes, the student is transferred to the intermediate class. After completing their belt testing requirements, they will be awarded their green belt. Participation in the purple belt program will not be allowed until completion of the green belt examination.
6th Rank: Purple Belt/Blue Sash - Advanced
7th Rank: Brown Belt/Brown Sash - Senior
8th Rank: Jr. Black Belt/Jr. Black Sash
Jr. black belts will be eligible to test once they are at least age 16 for full black belt/black sash & instructor status by fulfilling all additional testing requirements for the teen/adult black belt grading. Instructor certification exam can also be administered during this time accompanied by a 6-month teaching apprenticeship.
Ranking Structure for Shinjutsu Kempo Karate and Kuai Shou Pai Gung-Fu Teen/Adult Program
Level 0: White Belt/White Sash - (Beginner Student) - Kyu Rank: 10th Kyu
Level 1: White Belt/White Sash - One Yellow Stripe
Level 2: White Belt/White Sash - Two Yellow Stripes
Level 3: Yellow Belt/Gold Sash - (Advanced Beginner Student) - Kyu Rank: 9th Kyu
Level 4: Yellow Belt/Gold Sash - One Green Stripe
Level 5: Yellow Belt/Gold Sash - Two Green Stripes - Kyu Rank: 8th Kyu
Level 6: Green Belt/Green Sash - (Intermediate Student) - Kyu Rank: 7th Kyu
Level 7: Green Belt/Green Sash - One Purple Stripe
Level 8: Green Belt/Green Sash - Two Purple Stripes - Kyu Rank: 6th Kyu
Level 9: Purple Belt/Blue Sash - (Advanced Student/Assistant Instructor) - Kyu Rank: 5th Kyu
Level 10: Purple Belt/Blue Sash - One Brown Stripe
Level 12: Purple Belt/Blue Sash - Two Brown Stripes - Kyu Rank: 4th Kyu
Level 13: Brown Belt/Brown Sash - (Senior Student/Assistant Instructor) - Kyu Rank: 3rd Kyu
Level 14: Brown Belt/Brown Sash - One Black Stripe - Kyu Rank: 2nd Kyu
Level 15: Brown Belt/Brown Sash - Two Black Stripes - Kyu Rank: 1st Kyu
Level 16: Black Belt/Black Sash - (Full Instructor/Shodan 1st Degree Black Belt) - Dan Rank: Shodan
**Achievement of the rank of black belt in Shinjutsu Kempo Karate and Kuai Shou Pai Gung-Fu requires a comprehensive review and testing by the Shodai (Founder) Grandmaster Monty Atchley, promoting instructor, and one additional dan rank from the organization. A teaching apprenticeship of at least 1 year is required to be awarded the honors of Sensei and Sifu.

Explanation of Kyu Ranks
Kyu ranking is a Japanese ranking system. It is a unit of measure ranking not just martial arts students but also rankings in academics, the workplace, and even in their police force. In modern Japanese martial arts, those who hold a Kyu rank are ranked below black belt. There are ten Kyu ranks below black belt. The Kyu ranks go in descending order. This means the bottom level is 10th Kyu while the highest level is 1st Kyu. Ranks of black belt and higher are regarded as Dan ranks. For example, a first degree black belt has the rank of Shodan. A second degree black belt would have the title of Nidan.
Rankings and Japanese titles are listed below:
Student Grades
Beginner Student - Shokyū
Intermediate Student - Chūkyū
Advanced Student - Jōkyū
Kyu Ranking/Titles
Ungraded - Mukyū
10th Kyu - Jukkyū
9th Kyu - Kyūkyū
8th Kyu - Hachikyu
7th Kyu - Nanakyū
6th Kyu - Rokkyū
5th Kyu - Gokyū
4th Kyu - Yonkyū
3rd Kyu - Sankyū
2nd Kyu - Nikyū
1st Kyu - Ikkyū
Dan Ranks (Black Belt) Titles
1st Dan - Shodan
2nd Dan - Nidan
3rd Dan - Sandan
4th Dan - Yondan
5th Dan - Godan
6th Dan - Rokudan
7th Dan - Shichidan
8th Dan - Hachidan
9th Dan - Kudan
10th Dan - Jūdan
Ranking Structure for Shinjutsu Kempo Kenjutsu & Iaijutsu Ryu
Level 1: Shoden-1st Level Student White Belt (have this rank immediately)
Level 2: Chuden-2nd Level Student-Green Belt (Mid-Level Student)
Level 3: Jodan-3rd Level Student-Purple Belt (Upper Level Student)
Level 4: Oku-den-4th Level Student-Brown Belt (“Entrance to Secrets”)
Level 5: Oku-ere-5th Level Black Belt (upon completion of comprehensive testing of entire curriculum)
**Achievement of the rank of black belt in Shinjutsu Kempo Kenjutsu & Iaijutsu Ryu requires a comprehensive review and testing by the Shodai (Founder) Grandmaster Monty Atchley and Shihan Dan Smith (head of kenjutsu & iaijutsu ryu). A teaching apprenticeship of at least 6 months is required to be awarded the title of Sensei.
Ranking Structure for U.K.G.A. Principles of Jeet Kune Do
Level 1 Practitioner: - Student must complete testing on the three sections of Level 1.
Level 2 Practitioner: - Student must complete testing on the three sections of Level 2 .
Level 3 Practitioner: - Student must complete testing on the three sections of Level 3.
Level 4 Practitioner: - Instructor Certification Test
**A Level 4 practitioner is considered an Instructor of U.K.G.A. Jeet Kune Do Principles and is awarded a black sash. In order to complete a Level 4 Certification, a comprehensive exam covering all previous tests shall be conducted. An instructor must be able to teach and demonstrate all level requirements for certification.
Ranking Structure for Shinjutsu Kempo Kobujitsu
Ranking in Shinjutsu Kempo Kobujitsu is reserved for students who have earned at least their 3rd Degree Black Belt (Sandan) in the main Kempo & Gung-Fu program. Entire test will be submitted at once as there are no ranks between beginner and black belt.
**Achievement of the rank of black belt in Shinjutsu Kempo Kobujitsu requires a comprehensive review and testing by the Shodai (Founder) Grandmaster Monty Atchley, promoting instructor, and one additional dan rank (black belt) from the organization.
True Strength Martial Arts
Self-Defense Pink/Blue Belt
Session 1: Intro to Self-Defense (simple methods of defense against common street attacks)
Session 2: Self-Defense Level 2 (advanced methods of defense including grappling and weapons disarms)
Session 3: Weapons Level 1 (weapons defenses, intro to basic weapons use)
Session 4: Weapons Level 2 (advanced weapons defenses, advanced weapons use, improvised weaponry)
**Achievement of either a pink or blue in the True Strength Martial Arts Self-Defense Program requires completion of all sessions and comprehensive testing of all techniques and strategies. Testing will be performed by Master Dan Smith (Owner/Chief Instructor of True Strength Martial Arts).